Sunday, October 28, 2007

Wastin' away again...

Funny how when you have several days off, you make all kinds of plans about how you're going to spend your time.  I was certain I was going to finally unpack completely, do loads of laundry, organize (and pay) all of my bills, and a number of assorted other household tasks.  How much of this did I do....?  Not much.

I did clear out the pile of bottles and glasses surrounding my easy chair in the living room.  And, I put all the shoes that had accumulated in my living room into a pile at the foot of the stairs.  I managed to empty out a few trash cans and made a trip to the dumpster.  And, that's about it.

Honestly, I don't know where the time goes.  Granted, sleeping in until 10, 11 or even, eek, 12 every single day hasn't helped.  But I finally feel more rested.  Three days of sitting around, a cat in the lap, remote in one hand and computer mouse in the other, and I feel refreshed.  Ready for work again in the morning.

Too bad I can't work from home.  When I was working in Boston, one of my co-workers nicknamed me "the Empress."  In the ICU at BWH, there's a work area on 8C surrounded by glass and you can stand and see the entire ICU from it.  The monitors were hung on a wall just above everything, so you could quickly look up and see any one patient's monitor. 

One night I was working the night shift, and he had come over to chat with me.  As we sat, several nurses came up to me and told me about their patient's current condition.  I could literally remain seated, look over at monitors and type orders into the computer without much effort.  From that, he teased me that if I set things up just right I could do all my work from home.  I said, give me a computer and enough video monitors and I could rule the world.  So he started calling me the Empress.

Hence, the idea of telemedicine.  Of course, I'll be able to tell you more about it next month when I do the rotation.  Should be interesting... Now I must sleep.  Morning will come soon, and with it another set of challenging patients in the E.D.

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