Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Over the Hump and Going Downhill Fast!


Sometimes I think of Winston as the "neglected child."  When I first got my cats, I was going to get 2 females.  We've never had males as pets.  Mom always said females were better.  The lady at the cat shelter said a male and female would do better together, so I tried it.

Sofie is my baby.  She follows me everywhere, sits on my lap, sleeps between my knees, misses me when I am gone, etc.  Winston is just there.  He cries when he wants to be fed and is generally annoying as he is ALL CAT.  He gets into everything.  And, when he's not being annoying he sleeps;  hidden away.  He only comes to the bed at night when it's cold, and then it's on the bed, off the bed, on the bed until I get so frustrated I lock him out of the room.  And, then he cries.  So no one sleeps until he finally settles down.

As I said, the neglected child.  So I am highlighting him today.  He is a beautiful lean mean hunk of a cat with the best fur.  If he would only let me pet him.  C'est la vie.  The next adoptee will definitely be a girl.

Anyway, today was Grand Round Wednesday.  I got a chance to talk to the ED doc on call when the hockey player came in a few days ago.  He filled us in on the stabilization and management in the ED.  Very cool.

I opted out of the last day of vaccinations.  I am so far behind on wedding things, and I have to ship them out by Friday!  I did manage to get some odd and end things done (like the song list.)  I can't believe I leave on Saturday for California.  I got a sitter for the kitties and a dress for the rehearsal.  Now, if I can just get those favors finished...


Anonymous said...

I think you did well getting the dress!! wow, Friday things have to be mailed! you'll get it done!! I have great faith in you!!

Winston seems like a nice cat; honestly, I have never had a cat for a pet, we tended to be dog people and Koda will have no part of a cat nowadays. Maybe one day we'll get one


Anonymous said...

Wow, everything coming up fast!  Winston is such a pretty baby, but like all boys demand too much attention, lol.  Have a safe trip to sunny CA.  De ;)

Anonymous said...

I love cats but prefer a dog as you can interact with them more.
I have to be careful of scratches now so I am always timid about reaching to stroke neighbours cats etc as they can be unpredictable.  Yet... they wrap themselves around my legs asking to be touched.  It's not fair!

Yes...sounds like your Mom was right on the 'boy cats'.

Jeanie xx