Tuesday, December 18, 2007

And She Was....

Couldn't think of a name for my blog today, so I decided to name it for the next song to play on my MP3 player.  Kind of fitting actually since I was called "intimidating" by one of our medicine residents today.  Ok, so I maintain a certain confidence and attitude.  Mainly I think it's because of my prior training.
If I was a character on "Grey's Anatomy," I would definitely be a Bailey.  Hard, firm, organized and a leader, but with a soft inner side that no one ever sees.  I'm a "shortest distance between two points is a straight line" kinda person, and I guess sometimes when it comes to patient care, I don't take a "wait and see" attitude.
Which is so frustrating when it comes to being on a medicine service.  No patient I ever treat in the E.D. will ever suffer because I didn't want to SUFFER through another round of "let's go look at everyone's cardiac angiography and discuss in minutiae the 10 differential diagnoses while I the fellow make all of you inferior beings look more inferior by asking you questions about angiography that I've been doing for six months while you've been on service for a week."  In that respect, I am more like Christina... I need to cut open someone or stick a really big needle into someone's blood vessel just to make the day worthwhile.  However, I don't get to do that.  Hence, my frustration.  Hence, my attitude.  Hence, the countdown continues...
CCU Countdown:Days left until the end of the rotation: 19Actual number of days I will be working during that time: 16Days left until painful attending returns:  12
Number of days until my next 24 hours off: 1

Number of short call shifts remaining:  2
Number of long call shifts remaining: 2
Number of patients: 2 - 2 in the unit
Number of evil Internal Medicine residents: 2
Number of evil CCU nurses*:  3
(*names have been changed to protect the innocent, mainly me... :D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ahhh the dreaded co-worker.  I bet your patients see you a bit differently