Friday, December 21, 2007

Very Superstitious

I am on-call in the hospital overnight.  I think both ED and surgery residents are a very superstitious lot.  And, there are two words you never want to hear when you are on-call.  The Q (opposite of noisy) word and the S (opposite of fast)  word.  Because as soon as you say, "It's kinda ____ " it won't be.
I have actually threatened my resident with torture since he used the Q word earlier this afternoon.  So far there's only been one admission, but the night is still VERY young, and I know there's at least one more admission coming.
I used to threaten the ICU nurses with payback if they ever used either word.  Of course, it did no use since they could hurt me tons more than I could ever hurt them.  But, still, it really did seem to be more busy or chaotic when those words were uttered.
So, let's just wait and see where the evening takes us, shall we...?
CCU Countdown:Days left until the end of the rotation: 16Actual number of days I will be working during that time: 14Days left until painful attending returns:  9
Number of days until my next 24 hours off: 2

Number of short call shifts remaining:  2
Number of long call shiftsremaining: 1
Number of patients: 1 +1 pending
Number of evil Internal Medicine residents: 3
Number of evil CCU nurses*:  3
(*names have been changed to protect the innocent, mainly me... :D)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hope it stays _____ and ______ for you tonight.  I'll be watching the boys rematch against the broad street bullies...  shout out for the 'em?  LOL