Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Long Night of Nothing

So last night I worked my first long shift... that means 24 hours.  What it meant for me was being awake for a solid 30 hours since my resident told me that someone had to be in the CCU at all times "just in case something happened."  Ok.  At 4 this morning when the nurses asked what I was still doing in the unit and why hadn't I gone to bed, I told them what he'd said.  They looked at me dumbfounded and replied, "That's what pagers are for."
My thoughts exactly.  Suffice it to say, I put in the time.  Nothing really happened, and I could have slept from about Midnight after our one admission until around 4:30 in the morning when one of the patients decided to go into an irregular rhythm.  That would have been a 2 minute phone call with a follow-up in about an hour... which actually was all she needed to convert back to normal rhythm.
So, I stayed up all night and watched monitors beep, patients sleep, and played on the computer.  Now I am going to bed... to sleep... for a little while.  I want to wake up in time for the snow.  And, we're supposed to get A LOT tonight.
CCU Countdown:Days left until the end of the rotation: 22Actual number of days I will be working during that time: 19Days left until painful attending returns:  15
Number of days until my next 24 hours off: 4
Number of short call shifts remaining:  3
Number of long call shifts remaining: 2

Number of patients: 3 - 2 in the unit, 1 on the floor, 1 went to private service
Number of evil nurses in the ICU: 2 - not really evil, she justkept bitching about music playing and how it was "thundering in her ears" even though none of the rest of us could hear it after she turned it down from the already soft volume we had it on

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